Tata Steel employee wearing hard hat, high viz jacket and gloves working on a steel coil
Scandinavian Service Centres

Halmstad Steel Service Center and Norsk Stål Tynnplater offer short lead times, faster deliveries and greater flexibility in their range of products and services, by utilising the Steel Service Centre located in Halmstad. In addition, we are able to offer all of Tata Steel's product range to customers across the Nordic region.

"As we now have a fully centralized production, to the Halmstad facility, we have a significant processing capacity and can quickly deliver large product volumes for customers in all industrial segments, " says Michael Andersson, head of Norsk Stål Tynnplater AS & AB and Halmstad Steel Service Center AB. 

Halmstad Steel Service Centre, which is close to both the rail network and the harbour, is well-placed to handle deliveries to and from southern Sweden. In addition, it is close to the main Gothenburg-Copenhagen road for truck delivery. 

Processing capability
Halmstad Steel Service Centre
Processing capability

Halmstad Steel Service Centre 

Halmstad Steel Service Centre has the following capabilities operated by highly-qualified people:

  Slitting Decoiling
Thickness 0.3 – 4.0mm 0.4 – 3.0mm
Width 8 – 1530mm < 1600mm
Length - 300 – 6000mm

We also collaborate with external slit and cut lines for additional capacity and production opportunities. Please contact us and we'll find the best solution for your needs. You can find details on how to get in touch with us in the 'Contacts' section to the right.


Sweden and Norway Service Centres
For all sales and technical enquiries please contact:

Halmstad Steel Service Centre AB
Norsk Stål Tynnplater AB

Halmstad Steel Service Centre
Turbingatan 1

T: +46 10 206 57 00
E: halmstadssc@tatasteeleurope.com


Sales contacts:

Andreas Andersson
Sales Automotive
M: +46 70 983 30 52
E: andreas.andersson@tatasteeleurope.com

Robert von Schéele
Sales Industry
M: +46 70 983 49 17
E: robert.von.scheele@tatasteeleurope.com

Alexander Frisk
Sales Industry
M: +46 70 983 49 19
E: alexander.frisk@tatasteeleurope.com

Jessica Andersson
Customer Service
M: +46 70 983 49 15
E: jessica.andersson@tatasteeleurope.com 

Malin Martinsson
Customer Service
M: +46 70 983 49 20
E: malin.martinsson@tatasteeleurope.com 

Norsk Stål Tynnplater AS

Norsk Stål Tynnplater (Office)
Stabburveien 10

T: +47 69 358 400
E: firmapost@nst.eu


Sales contacts:

Stein Henning Hansen
Sales Industry
M: +47 91 904 745
E: stein.hansen@nst.eu

Camilla Bråthen
Sales Industry
M: +47 91 159 177
E: camilla.brathen@nst.eu