Branded automotive steels
EN-Automotive-Key Products-MagiZinc Auto TSE
MagiZinc® Auto: advanced hot-dip galvanised coating for inner parts and outer panels.

EN-Automotive-Key Products-HyperForm TSN
Hyperform®: extra formability for lightweight AHSS design. Tackling weight, costs and performance simultaneously.

EN-Automotive-Key Products-PLT TSE
Prime Lubrication Treatment: advanced surface treatment for smooth processing of automotive panels.

EN-Automotive-Key Products-XPF TSN
XPF® for easy lightweighting and improved energy absorption in complex structural vehicle parts.

EN-Automotive-Key Products-Hi-Lite TSUK
Hi-Lite: a thin non-oriented electrical steel for efficient and high-performance electric motors.

EN-Automotive-Contact-General sales - Webformphoto - key-products
Automotive sales enquiries and customer services
Please contact us for further information, questions and enquiries. Working together on sustainable vehicles and value chains.