Ympress® is our hot-rolled HSLA steel product. It is highly formable and delivers weight savings and increased component strength. It assures lighter, stronger and more consistent products.
Ympress adds value to trucks and trailers, excavating and lifting equipment, shipbuilding applications and more. The consistent quality of Ympress means it can be relied on to deliver benefits for your end-products and processes.
Ympress HSLA steel delivers weight savings and increased component strength thanks to its high yield strength. This can help you create lighter, stronger products and increase yield through down-gauging. Consistent properties and tight control of material thickness allow trouble-free, repeatable processing. Ympress can be easily welded and galvanised. Its high surface quality can lead to fewer processing steps.
Ympress HSLA steel delivers significant benefits for both product manufacturing and end product performance. The high yield strength allows you to reduce steel thickness or increase the strength of the finished product – or both.
Ympress’ reliable quality and characteristics mean you can be confident of consistent steel behaviour during processing.
The main benefits include:
- lighter products
- stronger products that are safer under heavy loads
- cost savings
- increased output per tonne of steel
- choice and design freedom
- trouble-free processing.

Ympress' biggest advantage is its high yield strength combined with high formability and consistency.
It means designers can switch confidently to lower gauge steel, even for complex, load bearing applications. This saves both cost and weight and provides end product benefits. These benefits include reduced fuel consumption and a lower carbon footprint.
Stronger steel can also enable increased lifting and load-bearing capacity in a range of heavy vehicle and agricultural equipment – without the weight penalty.
Careful control of the steel chemistry, especially the very low sulphur content in Ympress HSLA steel delivers outstanding formability and guaranteed minimum elongation levels. It is suitable for tight bending radii and stretch flanging. Tight gauge tolerances ensure reduced springback variability.
Ympress product range has been expanding over the last two decades into higher strengths.
Ympress has become a benchmark of product quality for automated processing with minimal yield loss. With a unique gauge range of 1.5 to 25mm and available in widths up to 2070mm with customised lengths, the Ympress HSLA range offers maximum flexibility for part nesting.
The thickness tolerances on the Ympress range exceed ½ EN. All Ympress products are available with a 2.2 Test Certificate as a standard.
Contact our sales team and technical engineers for more information. They will be happy to support you.

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