Proven quality
Some of our many steel grades have been around for decades. They've proven their durability and are here to stay. That's why we have registered different steel grades under their own brand names. It helps you to remember them, find them and use them easily in your customers' solutions. Read more about Tata Steel Nederland's brands or go to our green steel solutions directly.

Inevitable surface quality
Within the automotive sector, the demand for lightweight, flexible steel with a superb surface quality is inevidable. Tata Steel offers a range of automotive steel brands that meet the demanding requirements of the industry. Find out more about our high standards of automotive steel or select the specification you require.
EN-Automotive-Key Products-MagiZinc Auto TSE
EN-Automotive-Key Products-HyperForm TSN
Demanding requirements combined in engineering steels
Steel for engineering is not only sustainable and durable. It must be able to withstand the harshest conditions and still retain its formability. High-strength steel for engineering applications, such as heavy vehicles and shipbuilding, is available from Tata Steel Nederland. Discover our engineering brands and contact us for more information.
EN-Engineering-Product-Ymagine Direct-rolled-HSS TSN
High-strength steel

The world's most recycled packaging material
At Tata Steel Nederland, we are committed to the future of packaging steel. We're actively involved in initiatives across the supply chain to bring innovation for lighter, more sustainable packaging steels that meet the latest food safety legislations within reach.
Discover our leading packaging steel brands: