EN-Packaging-Product-Protact TSE
Protact laminated steel is food-safe and optimised for efficient, sustainable canmaking with opportunities for differentiated brand performanc
<a href=/product-ranges/automotive/electro-plated-steel>Tata Steel is a committed partner within the automotive industry. Combining ourmaterials, design eng...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/automotive/metallic-coated>Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel for inner and outer panels. Our product ran...</a>
<a href=/product-and-services/construction>Taking a proactive approach, we are unique in sharing our deep knowledge of steel, advising on how t...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/engineering/metallic-coated>Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel.</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/tubes/structural-tubes>Cold formed welded steel structural hollow sections supplied to EN10219.Produced with precision and ...</a>
<a href=/product-and-services/plating/elektro-plated>At Tata Steel Plating we work closely with our customers to find cost-effective solutions to technic</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/hilumin>HILUMIN®for cylindrical battery cell casings in electric vehicles.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/hi-lite>Hi-Lite:a thin non-oriented electrical steel for efficient and high-performance electric motors.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/hyperform>Hyperform®: extra formability for lightweight AHSS design.Tackling weight, costs and performance si</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/magizinc-auto>MagiZinc®Auto: advanced hot-dip galvanisedcoating for inner parts and outer panels.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/plt>Prime Lubrication Treatment:advanced surface treatment for smooth processing of automotive panels.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/serica-flo>Serica®FLO:a premium surface finish for a market-leading paint appearance.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/xpf>XPF® for easy lightweighting and improved energy absorption in complex structural vehicle parts.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive>Brands in the Automotive product portfolio</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/magizinc>MagiZincis an innovative replacement for conventional galvanised steels. It provides superior corros...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/valast>Valast® wear resistant steel is developed to withstand the most demanding conditions. Discover how ...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/engineering/direct-rolled/high-strength-steel>Ymagine® direct-rolled steel comes in five high-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) grades offering either w...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/ympress>Ympressis a hot-rolled, high-strength, low-alloy steel with outstanding formability and consistent p...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/ympress-laser>Tailor-made for efficient, high-speed laser cutting, this homogeneous, hot-rolled steel combines exc...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/ymvit>Tata Steel’s Ymvit cold-rolled steel for enamelling delivers end product and process benefits incl...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering>Discover our engineering brands for various applications in the heavy vehicles sector, solar constru...</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/energy-storage>Enabling the transition to electrified vehicles by providing solutions for cylindrical battery casin</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/seating>Steel design for automotive seats</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/body-in-white>Supporting you from concept to series production. Increased energy absorption in BIW parts, reducing...</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/chassis-and-suspension>Helping you strike the balance in chassis design.</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/outer-panels>SericaFLO for excellent paint appearance on outer panels with appealing designs that are enabled by ...</a>
<a href=/applications/automotive>Tata Steel offers a wide, multi-product portfolio of strip, tubes and forging steels, including a sm...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-applications>Steel applications for construction equipment, consumer products, industrial applications, steel pro...</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/bergerecotrail>Using Ympress® S700MC to manufacture BERGERecotrail® semi-trailer bodies and welded-frames for the...</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/frank-original-boron-manganese>Expansion of boron manganese steel offering for agricultural machinery in partnership with Frank Wal...</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/hyster-yale>Opportunities for Hyster Yale to deliver lower total cost of ownership to its customers.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/jcb-landpower>EnablingJCB to develop an optimally-designed next-generation tractor.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/kuhn-gyrotedders>KUHN co-developed a newhollow section specification:Hybox TT.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/linssen-yachts>S235 steel products create ultra-smooth hulls for Linssen Yachts.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/palfinger>Crane maker Palfinger benefits from a unique partnership.</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/packaging-applications>Our packaging steel products are designedfor a diverse range ofapplications from aerosols to food ca...</a>
<a href=/expertise/packaging/case-studies/bonduelle>Two thirds of Dutch consumers didn'tknow that a can is endlessly recyclable according to consumer re...</a>
<a href=/applications/packaging/case-studies/snert>Joris Bijdendijk is a renowned Dutch chef at the Michelin-starred RIJKS restaurant, located next to ...</a>
<a href=/expertise/packaging/case-studies/calvo-vuelca-facil>Consumers, from older users to children can sometimes find traditional tuna cans difficult to use du...</a>
<a href=/applications/packaging-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
The decorative packaging market for products such as perfume and chocolates demands on-shelf differentiation and premium quality.
Steel has a wide range of decorative effects. Its excellent shaping capabilities make it a good choice for creating unique brand differentiated packs. It is tactile, being ‘cool to the touch’ which traditionally creates a premium perception.
Steel also offers superb print quality, which when combined with embossing and debossing give an enduring perception of quality. There are great many brands that capitalise on steel’s surface aesthetic, giving the pack a ‘metallic’ look and feel. Choices can be made from a wide range of finishes, from super bright, to matt and silver.
Why not take a look at some inspiring case studies of great design on the Steel for Packaging website?
Protact laminated steel is food-safe and optimised for efficient, sustainable canmaking with opportunities for differentiated brand performanc