Smithsonian Folk Festival

Other case study, Colorcoat Urban®

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Not satisfied with our growing reputation within the UK, Colorcoat Urban® ventured across the pond to the Capital of the USA for the Smithsonian Folklife Festival.

The festival is an annual cultural festival run by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, a research and educational unit of the Smithsonian Institution.

The festival celebrates the cultural traditions of communities from across the United States and from around the world, so what better place to showcase the sustainable product of choice?

Each year a country is chosen and in 2009 it was Wales, with Colorcoat Urban® selected to represent the country as the roofing product of choice. The colour used was Anthracite, which has been specifically designed to look like Slate, and with such a focus on the materials, a product that can be installed with such ease whilst achieving such high quality and sustainability was an obvious choice for the roofing element.

Client - Welsh Assembly Government

System Manufacturer - Coed Cymru

Product - Colorcoat Urban® (standing seam)

Colour - Anthracite


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