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Aurora Online Vegter 2017
For questions about the data and models within Aurora Online and user assistance, please contact our 4 experts:
Michael Abspoel
Principal researcher

Further area of speciality: mechanical testing, forming limit curve, yield locus, AutoForm, PAM-STAMP and hot forming.

Michael has worked in sheet metal formability for over 25 years. With a background in mechanical engineering, he started as a design and FEA engineer working closely with a press shop. Having later begun to run forming simulation for customers, his work evolved into developing accurate and easy-to-use advanced material models for forming and crash simulation, and improving material characterisation testing, both in-house at Tata Steel and in international working groups. 


Michael Abspoel
Area of speciality: Material modelling and testing
Eisso Atzema
Principal scientist

Further area of speciality:  hole expansion, robustness and process control.

Eisso has worked in sheet metal formability for over 25 years. His background is in applied mechanics and he started out as an FEA engineer. Over time he became involved in customer support for forming, experimental formability and material characterisation (including scatter) and lately in edge ductility. He has carried out research in international collaborative projects. His next challenge is to employ material and process knowledge in the active control of deep drawing processes.


Eisso Atzema
Area of speciality: Formability
Marc Scholting
Principal researcher

Further area of speciality: Aurora Online administrator.

Marc has been in research and development for over 20 years. His background is in mechanical engineering and tribology. He started as researcher and project leader of an international collaborative project on the fatigue performance of materials and joints. Over time he became involved in customer support for in-service performance, material characterisation and formability. This evolved into the development of our Aurora Online material data service and the development of accurate and easy to use advanced material models for forming and crash simulation. His next challenges are to employ material performance knowledge in customer engineering projects and to develop new Aurora features enabling customers to get the full potential out of our materials.


Marc Scholting
Area of speciality: Aurora Online functionality support