Tata Steel Nederland is the first steel company to offer its customer a logistic solution to decarbonise their transport emissions: Zeremis Delivered.
- Get your product delivered while saving up to 90% CO2e via book-and-claim
- Tata Steel Nederland is on track to achieve carbon-neutral transport by 2045
- We introduce a broad range of reduced emission logistics solutions across modalities such as bio-fuel, battery electrification and fuel cell technologies
- The logistics CO2e reduction contributes to your scope 3 targets
Zeremis Delivered reduces your upstream footprint through lower emission transportation methods of your steel orders.

Frequently asked questions
What is Zeremis Delivered?
Zeremis Delivered is a book-and-claim offering of low emission logistics solutions across modalities.
Within the Zeremis Delivered offer, what low emission transport methods are available?
As of 2025, our program is extended to cover all regions across modalities. This includes transport for rail, road and water. Our low emission logistic solution results in CO2e savings up to 90%.
How do I know if my company is eligible for Zeremis Delivered?
For more information about the possibilities for your business, please contact your account manager.
Can I include CO2e reduction in my scope 3 targets?
Yes, logistics CO2e reduction contributes to your scope 3 targets.
If I buy Zeremis Delivered, will my products be delivered through CO2e reduced form of transport?
The delivery of your product can, but does not have to be delivered through a low emission form of transport. Zeremis Delivered is a book-and-claim proposition; the savings have already been made in advance of your booking. When you purchase Zeremis Delivered, you are purchasing the equivalent of your transport on lowered emissions, regardless of the fuel used on your delivery. If you have specific requirements, please contact your account manager.
How can we pass Zeremis Delivered savings on to our customers?
For further guidance on onward selling of your savings through Zeremis Delivered, click here.
Chain of custody model
As we move towards a more sustainable world, it's crucial to cut carbon emissions across all industries to make a real difference. However, different sectors need different strategies to achieve the best results.
Various chain of custody models provide solutions for decarbonizing different industries. For example, in transport, the book-and-claim model stands out as an effective way to accelerate the shift to sustainable deliveries.

DNV assurance statements for Zeremis Delivered
Download the assurance statements related to Zeremis Delivered here.
DNV assurance statement: Use of biofuel on outbound bulk vessels
DNV assurance statement: Use of biofuel on outbound bulk vessels
DNV assurance statement: Use of HVO100 on outbound truck movements
DNV assurance statement: Use of HVO100 on outbound truck movements
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