New eco-friendly delivery service
Zeremis® Delivered helps you lower your environmental footprint
Tata Steel Nederland has launched Zeremis Delivered, the ideal option for receiving your steel orders through lower emission transportation methods. The service enables your company to reduce Scope 3 emissions, along with other emissions linked to the transportation of steel.
Zeremis Delivered PR

Frequently asked questions

How does it work?
Learn more about Zeremis Delivered and how it works

What is Zeremis Delivered?
Zeremis Delivered is an offering of low emission logistics solutions across modalities. 

Within the Zeremis Delivered offer, what low emission transport methods are available?
The programme now includes deliveries within 300 kilometres of Tata Steel sites by trucks running on biofuel HV100. This results in CO2 savings of up to 90%.

In the short term, we are expanding the programme to include electric trucks, for which pilots are currently underway. In the medium to long term, we plan to expand with new solutions across modalities, such as biofuels in barges and ocean-going vessels. 

My company is not located within the 300 km zone. Can I still purchase Zeremis Delivered?
For more information about the possibilities for your business, please contact your account manager.

Reporting CO2e savings
Learn about the way you can include Zeremis Delivered in your sustainability targets

Can I include CO2e reduction in my Scope 3 targets?
Yes, logistics CO2e reduction contributes to your Scope 3 targets and can be included in EPDs

If I buy Zeremis Delivered, will the actual transport of my product be done by an HV100 truck?
The delivery of your product can, but does not have to, be carried out by an HV100 truck. Zeremis Delivered is a book & claim proposition; the savings have already been made. When you purchase Zeremis Delivered, you are purchasing the equivalent of your transport on HVO fuel, regardless of whether it is actually transported on HVO. If you have specific requirements, please contact your account manager.

Passing on your savings
You might want to pass on your savings to your customers

How can we pass Zeremis Delivered savings on to our customers?
For further guidance on onward selling of your savings through Zeremis Delivered, click here.