Meet Matthijs Toose, R&D Scientific Fellow at Tata Steel Nederland. Specialising in premium outer panel surfaces like Serica FLO. In this interview he addresses future trends, reducing CO2 emissions, and evolving customer needs.
<a href=/product-ranges/automotive/electro-plated-steel>Tata Steel is a committed partner within the automotive industry. Combining ourmaterials, design eng...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/automotive/metallic-coated>Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel for inner and outer panels. Our product ran...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/construction>Taking a proactive approach, we are unique in sharing our deep knowledge of steel, advising on how t...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/engineering/metallic-coated>Tata Steel offers a wide choice of metallic coated steel.</a>
<a href=/brands/packaging>We make steel for packaging. Our specialist steels are designed for food and drinks cans, aerosols, ...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/plating/electro-plated>At Tata Steel Plating we work closely with our customers to find cost-effective solutions to technic</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/tubes/structural-tubes>Cold formed welded steel structural hollow sections supplied to EN10219.Produced with precision and ...</a>
<a href=/coil-data-on-demand>Make better decisions and reduce lead times with direct access to coil data. You can now empower you...</a>
<a href=/automotive/aurora-online>High quality data and expert advice to make your simulations easier to set up and more accurate.
<a href=/brands/automotive/hilumin>HILUMIN®for cylindrical battery cell casings in electric vehicles.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/hi-lite>Hi-Lite:a thin non-oriented electrical steel for efficient and high-performance electric motors.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/hyperform>Hyperform®: extra formability for lightweight AHSS design.Tackling weight, costs and performance si</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/magizinc-auto>MagiZinc®Auto: advanced hot-dip galvanisedcoating for inner parts and outer panels.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/plt>Prime Lubrication Treatment:advanced surface treatment for smooth processing of automotive panels.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/serica-flo>Serica®FLO:a premium surface finish for a market-leading paint appearance.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive/xpf>XPF® for easy lightweighting and improved energy absorption in complex structural vehicle parts.</a>
<a href=/brands/automotive>Brands in the Automotive product portfolio</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/magizinc>MagiZincis an innovative replacement for conventional galvanised steels. It provides superior corros...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/valast>Valast® wear resistant steel is developed to withstand the most demanding conditions. Discover how ...</a>
<a href=/product-ranges/engineering/direct-rolled/high-strength-steel>Ymagine® direct-rolled steel comes in five high-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) grades offering either w...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/ympress>Ympressis a hot-rolled, high-strength, low-alloy steel with outstanding formability and consistent p...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/ympress-laser>Tailor-made for efficient, high-speed laser cutting, this homogeneous, hot-rolled steel combines exc...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering/ymvit>Tata Steel’s Ymvit cold-rolled steel for enamelling delivers end product and process benefits incl...</a>
<a href=/brands/engineering>Discover our engineering brands for various applications in the heavy vehicles sector, solar constru...</a>
<a href=/brands/packaging/protact>Protactlaminated steel is food-safe and optimised for efficient, sustainable canmaking with opportun...</a>
<a href=/brands/packaging/tcct>Asustainable, reliable replacement for conventional tin-free packaging steel (ECCS) developed by Tat...</a>
<a href=/brands/packaging>We make steel for packaging. Our specialist steels are designed for food and drinks cans, aerosols, ...</a>
<a href=/steel-service-centre-feijen>Our service centre in Maastricht (Feijen) is part of our highly specialised distribution service for...</a>
<a href=/steel-service-centre-multisteel>MultiSteel offers one of the broadest multi-metal ranges in Europe, including HRP, CRC, HDG, DSP and...</a>
<a href=/steel-service-centre-unitol>Our Unitol steel service center in Corbeil-Essonnes, France, offers one of the broadest ranges of st...</a>
<a href=/steel-service-centre-gelsenkirchen>Our Gelsenkirchen plant, producing slit coils and cut-to-size sheets, include slitters and blanking ...</a>
<a href=/steel-service-centre-layde>Layde steel slu is located in the north of Spain, the Basque Country.For the transformation of coils...</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/energy-storage>Enabling the transition to electrified vehicles by providing solutions for cylindrical battery casin</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/seating>Steel design for automotive seats</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/body-in-white>Supporting you from concept to series production. Increased energy absorption in BIW parts, reducing...</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/chassis-and-suspension>Helping you strike the balance in chassis design.</a>
<a href=/expertise/automotive/applications/outer-panels>SericaFLO for excellent paint appearance on outer panels with appealing designs that are enabled by ...</a>
<a href=/applications/automotive-applications>Tata Steel offers a wide, multi-product portfolio of strip, tubes and forging steels, including a sm...</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering-applications>Steel applications for construction equipment, consumer products, industrial applications, steel pro...</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/bergerecotrail>Using Ympress® S700MC to manufacture BERGERecotrail® semi-trailer bodies and welded-frames for the...</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/frank-original-boron-manganese>Expansion of boron manganese steel offering for agricultural machinery in partnership with Frank Wal...</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/hyster-yale>Opportunities for Hyster Yale to deliver lower total cost of ownership to its customers.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/jcb-landpower>EnablingJCB to develop an optimally-designed next-generation tractor.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/kuhn-gyrotedders>KUHN co-developed a newhollow section specification:Hybox TT.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/linssen-yachts>S235 steel products create ultra-smooth hulls for Linssen Yachts.</a>
<a href=/expertise/engineering/case-studies/palfinger>Crane maker Palfinger benefits from a unique partnership.</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/applications/engineering-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>
<a href=/expertise/packaging/applications>Our packaging steel products are designedfor a diverse range ofapplications from aerosols to food ca...</a>
<a href=/expertise/packaging/case-studies/bonduelle>Two thirds of Dutch consumers didn'tknow that a can is endlessly recyclable according to consumer re...</a>
<a href=/applications/packaging/case-studies/snert>Joris Bijdendijk is a renowned Dutch chef at the Michelin-starred RIJKS restaurant, located next to ...</a>
<a href=/expertise/packaging/case-studies/calvo-vuelca-facil>Consumers, from older users to children can sometimes find traditional tuna cans difficult to use du...</a>
<a href=/expertise/packaging-case-studies>We can make a real difference to your performance by understanding your business and delivering stee...</a>