Our aim is to shape sustainable societies and foster thriving communities.
That includes contributing to society and respecting our surroundings as well as being financially sound in the long-term.
As a steelmaker, Tata Steel forms a vital element within the industrial ecosystem of society. Steel producers are part of an interdependent chain of value between large numbers of suppliers and customers.
Some of the by-products from our processes become valuable raw materials for other industries. Our industry provides jobs, offers skills and drives innovation. It contributes to exports and it invests in research and development to advance productivity and progress.
We provide many thousands of people with jobs, and with the skills to make the sustainable products that society needs.
Right now Tata Steel has more than 20,000 employees who are dedicated to making the best possible steel products.
For many, we are an educator as well as an employer, giving many young people the vital skills and technical knowledge they need to succeed. We strive hard to be an employer of choice so we can attract and nurture the best talent: people who can play an instrumental role in the sustainable industry of the future.
Our strength lies in our people and the pride they take in their work. Everyone who works for the company wants to give back to the communities in which they live and work. We all want to build and maintain a company fit for the future. Tata Steel has sustained employees and communities for many generations. We want to carry on for many more to come.
We value our alliance with local communities – which includes our employees – just as much as those partnerships we have with governments, customers and suppliers.
EN-Corporate-About-us-Our people