Here are some FAQ’s that may help suppliers:
Click 'see more' to view the answer
I have received a message that I need to update expiring profile information – what do I need to do?
- Log into Ariba and open the Tata Steel VQ
- If the answer (e.g. certificate) has expired you should see a flag beside the expired answer
- Add your new answer (certificate) to the appropriate Ariba question
- Submit your competed form back to Tata Steel
I have a new bank account / email address / order address etc, how do I make the changes?
- Add your new answers to the Ariba questions
- Update the answers in the company information form under question 5.3.16, signing and dating the form before uploading this in Ariba
- Submit your competed form back to Tata Steel
Where can I find the Tata VQ?
- Click on your initials in the top right and select 'Company Profile' option.
- Click on 'Customer Requested' tab.
- Click on Tata Steel name.
- Complete all required information.
- Submit and save.
How can I reset my Ariba password?
- If you receive the message “The username and password pair you entered was not found.” Then click the FORGOT USERNAME or PASSWORD option
- You will receive an email outlining how to updated these.
Digitalization of Procurement processes
Tata Steel has adopted SAP Ariba platform to business in a digital way for Sourcing, Contract management and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) events.
The SAP Ariba solution allows suppliers and buyers to connect and do business in an online platform. It improves compliancy and makes it possible to do business at anytime, anywhere on any device.
Suppliers will be invited upon request of Tata Steel to connect to us via the SAP Ariba platform.
Two important steps need to be taken before doing business with Tata Steel:
1. Your company needs to register on the Ariba platform;
2. Follow the Vendor Qualification process before doing business with Tata Steel. For this a questionnaire will be made available to you to provide necessary information to become an qualified vendor.
Online information is available for you to work in the SAP Ariba platform. For questions a professional Ariba team is available 24/7 to support you either via e-mail of through a call to connect request which will give you access to a live support. Click here to read how you can get in contact with the SAP Ariba support team.
Welcome to Tata Steel and SAP Ariba!

Vendor Qualification process
Tata Steel uses a vendor qualification process to evaluate whether a vendor can provide the necessary products and/or services to Tata Steel based on the standards TSE and their customers require.
For sourcing of goods and/or services Tata Steel only works with qualified vendors. To become a qualified vendor is only possible on invite of Tata Steel. If you are invited to qualify this will need to be done using the Ariba platform.
Enclosed support information helps you to guide you through the process on the SAP Ariba platform. There is also a specific online training available for you that helps you to subscribe yourself on the Ariba Network.
EN-Procurement-SAP Ariba support desk TSN
How to contact the SAP Ariba support desk
EN-Procurement Ariba Network
Support pack registration on the Ariba Network
Update expired data
As a certified vendor is it important you keep your records up to date. In that way your company as well as Tata Steel can continue to comply with the applicable legislations.
Therefore it is important that you keep the certifcates up to date before they expire.
Enclosed you will find a description how you can update your certificates before they expire.
EN-Procurement-Expired VQ answers
Support pack Expired Vendor Qualification answers

The procurement process
Tata Steel uses a robust process to source their goods and services.
A request for information (RFI) is often used in this process to explore the possibilities in the market place for solutions and capabilities suppliers can offer to support our business.
A request for proposal (RFP) is used to obtain price indications and conditions based on a set of requirements. RFP responses evaluate the merits of each vendor compared to others.
Enclosed you will find supporting documentation to run a request for information or a request for proposal through the SAP Ariba platform.
EN-Procurement-RFX Supplier Manual
RFX Supplier Manual
An e-Auction is an online, market driven negotiation based on total-value often used as part of a request for proposal (RFP) in the Procurement process.
e-Auctions can include both price and non-price parameters to ensure the best value for our business.
Tata Steel offers all participating suppliers before an event to join a training auction prior to the real e-Auction.
This ensures that all suppliers in the event have acquired the knowledge and basic skills needed to participate in the e-Auction.
Before participating in any e-Auction by Tata Steel a declaration of acceptance of the e-Auction rules is required.
Enclosed a support pack is enclosed which will help you to run an e-Auction event via the SAP Ariba platform.
EN-Procurement-Auction declaration of acceptance
e-Auction declaration of acceptance
EN-Procurement-Supplier training prior to e-Auction
Supplier training prior to e-Auction
EN-Procurement-Supplier e-Auction Manual
Supplier Manual e-Auctions

Access to SAP Ariba Help Center
In order to support vendors with registration on the Ariba platform or work with the different events Tata Steel is launching there is a SAP Ariba Help Center available that operates 24/7.
Vendors can access content or place a call-to-connect to get live support on registration and/or events. The SAP Ariba Support (call) button links right into the Ariba Help Center so you can request a call back.
EN-Procurement-SAP Ariba support desk TSN
How to contact the SAP Ariba support desk
EN-Procurement-How to contact the SAP Ariba support team
How to contact the SAP Ariba support team
Suppliers reference documents and downloads
EN-Procurement-CSR Statement on materials from conflict zones
CSR Statement on materials from conflict zones
EN-Procurement-Confidential Reporting Policy OCT 2019
Confidential Reporting Policy OCT 2019
NL-Procurement-Algemene inkoopvoorwaarden Tata Steel IJmuiden Juli 2019
Algemene inkoopvoorwaarden Tata Steel IJmuiden Juli 2019
EN-Procurement-General terms and conditions of purchase Tata Steel IJmuiden July 2019
General terms and conditions of purchase Tata Steel IJmuiden July 2019
EN-Procurement-Purchase Terms for the Purchase of Goods and Services July 2007 rev March 2018
Purchase Terms for the Purchase of Goods and Services July 2007 rev March 2018
EN-Procurement-CC1 General Conditions of Contract for Use in the Procurement and Erection of Plant at Site in the UK
CC1 General Conditions of Contract for Use in the Procurement and Erection of Plant at Site in the UK
EN-Procurement-CC7 General Conditions of Contract for the Hire of Plant with or without an Operator
CC7 General Conditions of Contract for the Hire of Plant with or without an Operator
EN-Procurement-CC8 General Conditions of Sales for Used, Redundant, Surplus and Miscellaneous Goods
CC8 General Conditions of Sales for Used, Redundant, Surplus and Miscellaneous Goods
EN-Procurement-CC12 General conditions for contracts of services with transport operators
CC12 General conditions for contracts of services with transport operators
General terms and conditions of purchase Tata Steel Turkey (EN)
EN-Procurement-Responsible Procurement policy
Tata Steel Responsible Procurement Policy
EN-Company-Tata Code of Conduct
Tata Code of Conduct
NL-Procurement-Algemene voorwaarden Aansluiting en Transport Electriciteit Tata Steel IJmuiden
Algemene voorwaarden Aansluiting en Transport Electriciteit 2021
NL-Procurement-Algemene voorwaarden levering Electriciteit Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V.
Algemene voorwaarden levering Electriciteit 2021
NL-Procurement-Algemene voorwaarden Aansluiting en Transport Gas Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V.
Algemene voorwaarden Aansluiting en Transport Gas 2021
NL-Procurement-Algemene voorwaarden levering Gas Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V.
Algemene voorwaarden levering Gas 2021

Recruiting for roles in our Procurement team.
Our Procurement professionals manage our external spend with a global network of over 5,000 partners and suppliers. Interested in joining our team? Click below to see available roles.
Do you have a question or feedback on this support site? Please let us know!
Contact Tata Steel's Sourcing and contract specialists via the email address
For specific questions please contact your designated Procurement contact.