This web page aims to give guidance to our vendor partners with respect to Tata Steel in Europe’s response to the rapidly developing COVID-19 situation.
Guidance released 17.03.2020
Tata Steel in Europe’s Approach
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. Based on this, various governments have updated their local measures. Tata Steel in Europe has instructed all employees to follow local government guidelines with regards to what specific measures to follow. Our goal is to minimize the spread of the coronavirus and to protect ourselves and people with less resistance.
Our employees have been instructed to take general precautionary measures such as maximizing home working where possible, limiting business travel, maximizing the use of online tools and to maintain social distance as well as following the general health guidelines issued local governments.
Other measures include maintaining current operational levels in line with those regulations and implementing policies and procedures in respect of all visitors to Tata Steel's European sites (including contractors, transport and delivery drivers).
Updates on relevant and local information with respect to ongoing site operations will be available via your usual Procurement and site contacts. You will be notified of any future changes to demand for your products/services via these channels.
Further general updates will be provided via this website as appropriate.
As always, we value the continued support from all of our vendor partners throughout these unprecedented times.
Jacob Gerkema
Chief Procurement Officer, Tata Steel in Europe