Communicating well with our many stakeholders is really important for us.
That means not only sharing our successes and stories about our brilliant steel heroes, but also being open and transparent when we have more difficult issues to face.
We make huge efforts to do this directly with our employees and the many contractor partners who work on our sites.
We also work hard to have open and ongoing dialogue with our customers and suppliers, and that is reflected positively when we do our regular surveys with them.
We are very proactive in communicating with our political stakeholders who have such an influence on our business, but of course, there are many people who have an interest in our business: from the diverse range of people who may be looking to start a career with us to the many political groups and institutions with whom we work to progress industry and societal issues and the residents and communities who live and work around our sites.
Social media plays a critical role in enabling us to reach out to all these groups, and for us to listen to their questions and concerns. So, we have developed an active presence on most of the main social media channels, and we’d be delighted if you chose to follow us, like us, or subscribe to our feeds.
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